To Sprint or not to Sprint

At the end of December I talked about my last free day (I was working part time then). I also outlined my plan about a “sprint to the finish line”. With “conservative” numbers I ended at my target net worth number (600k) in mid 2020. Now, “conservative” meant around 1 % return per month. I’m selling options, so 1 % is certainly achievable, but no given.

Also, to quit my job earlier I wanted to build a second income stream. I had this plan for a very long time now (years), but still have almost nothing to show.

A few weeks ago I had an epiphany: Could I already live like in FIRE, while still working? (My work is very relaxed.) And what would it look like if I had no stock market income at all?

So I calculated with (almost) no stock market income (just around 2 % per year) and reached 600k end of 2022 – only 2.5 years more! (With around 4 % per year I get there end of 2021.)

I also made a list of things I would like to do when FIRE (spending time in nature, spending time with my kids, programming on private projects, eating healthy, sleeping enough, not stressing about money). And a lot of them are at least somewhat possible even now.

So I decided to not (aggressively) pursue my second income stream goal. I will still program on my side project, but mainly use it for my own.